What Are the Best Houseplants for Your Kitchen?

What Are the Best Houseplants for Your Kitchen? 

When thinking about kitchen design, our minds naturally drift to furniture, décor and appliances. However, accenting these features with carefully selected plants can give a wonderful lift to your kitchen. So whether you’re looking for elegant and simple or colourful and bold, using kitchen plants to brighten up your space can be a great way to add another level to your home.

After receiving this photo from one of our clients, it inspired us to write a blog on how plants can liven up your kitchen. From aesthetic design choices to a culinary edge and even improving your air quality, the benefits of adding a touch of green to your kitchen are limitless. So, let’s start breaking down which houseplants are the best for your kitchen.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Kicking off this list of kitchen plants that thrive indoors is a well-known classic: the peace lily. Also known as closet plants, the peace lily’s elegant white flowers and glossy dark leaves have long made them a staple of offices and homes. Their simple, clean colours give them an adaptable yet distinctive aesthetic that balances almost any kitchen design choice.


Aside from their visual appeal, peace lilies are known for their calming and tranquil qualities. So, if your kitchen tends to feel busy or hectic, consider adding a peace lily to balance this, adding a sense of clarity and calmness.

English Ivy (Hedera Helix)

This lush, green plant is perfect for hanging over your sink or by a window. English ivy grows easily indoors, providing it gets access to direct sunlight, and adds a beautiful touch of colour to any kitchen palette. Its acute leaves vary in shades of green with white, yellow and black accents giving them an attractive dappled appearance.


Its natural beauty makes it one of the best plants to liven up your kitchen, and English ivy also works wonders for indoor air quality. Studies show that Hedera Helix can reduce the benzene content of your air by 3.7% each hour over a 24-hour period.  


Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Famously robust and hardy and requiring little care, snake plants are the perfect choice for busy professional or family life. With incredibly straightforward care needs, these plants can be neglected for weeks on end, yet, with their dappled leaves and almost geometric shape, they still give off a fresh, vibrant appeal. 

On top of this, snake plants can survive unusually low light levels, making them one of the best houseplants to grow quickly in your kitchen. Their striking aesthetic makes them especially suited for the sparser kitchen designer, as in less minimalist kitchens, they can have a slightly overbearing quality. 


Pink Begonia

While simple, green plants are often top of people's lists when it comes to kitchen design, we think a splash of colour can be a beautiful addition, especially for spaces with a more neutral tone. For this, pink begonia is one of the best choices. An indefatigable bloomer, this vibrant pink flower produces myriads of magnificent double flowers up to 10cm across. 



A perfect choice when considering kitchen plants to brighten up your space, this colourful flower is tougher than it looks, too. Capable of surviving from early spring through to the frosty weather of late autumn, pink begonias require comparatively simple care and little sunlight.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

If it’s a long-term companion you’re seeking in your hunt for a houseplant to liven up your kitchen, then a spider plant is definitely the choice for you. Its astonishing lifespan often reaches around 20 years, and it can even hang on for more than double that, when given the right surroundings. 


Often considered one of the most adaptable houseplants, and the easiest to grow, this plant can flourish in a wide range of conditions and is hardy and resistant, too. Their tough nature and long lifespan mean that these plants often find themselves handed down as living heirlooms, too, making them perfect for vintage or traditional kitchen design.


For those looking to add a lift to their culinary prowess, as well as their kitchen space, a range of fresh herbs make a great addition to any windowsill or work surface.


Thriving in heat and light, this herb is best kept in the sunniest part of your kitchen or under a grow lamp. A staple of Mediterranean cuisine and packed with vitamins and nutrients fresh Basil is an excellent addition to anyone looking to elevate pastas, pizzas or salad.


Often overlooked in indoor herb gardening, sage is a wonderful, fragrant plant to liven up your kitchen. It will be most flavoursome when given plenty of sun and well-draining soil, allowing its intense herbal aroma to act as the perfect foil for rich, autumnal dishes.


Flourishing in both full sun and partial shade, parsley is the perfect choice for those seeking a fast-growing herb. Planting it in a deep pot can see parsley shoot up to 30cm in height, bestowing colour, fragrance and freshness on a busy kitchen.


For anyone looking to add a hint of freshness to teas, recipes or cocktails, mint is a must-have addition to your kitchen. Its dark green leaves and interesting texture give an old-world aesthetic appeal, while its scent can give your kitchen a clean, fresh aroma. 


Rethink your kitchen with Controlled Interiors

If you want to incorporate plants into your kitchen space, then it’s crucial you make the right design choices to complement them. Over many years, we’ve got a proven record of creating beautiful, individual kitchens made meticulously to fit your space while maximising luxury and quality.


View our portfolio to see how we can help you build your dream kitchen, or get in touch with any other queries.

Further Reading

-       How to Maximise Natural Light in Your Kitchen

-       Kitchen Transformations: A Wonder in Warsash

-       Six Big Summer Kitchen Ideas

-       How To Plan Your Ideal Kitchen